AWBO June 2012 Newsletter
Summer Social: Celebrating 30 Years Together
Since 1982, AWBO has been the place where women in business meet and this summer we're thrilled to be celebrating our 30th anniversary! Join us on Tuesday, June 12 for an evening celebration to kick up our heels and celebrate our history, our present, and our future. The dinner banquet and fashion show will be held in the Best Western Ballroom. Cocktails begin at 5:30, dinner at 6:15 pm. Reservations are required. Guests are welcome.
As we pull together the final details we're in need of the following:
- Door prize donations (a great opportunity to highlight your business!)
- Fashion Models of all sizes and ages to exhibit for CATO Fashions and Chico's
- Photos from AWBO events in history
- Photos of you and your business and any award recognition you'd like to share. Send in a picture of you, your building, working, receiving an award, whatever (be creative, this is a good opportunity to highlight what you do). We'd love at least one photo of every member so we can celebrate our members and their successes.
- Please email photos and recognition items to VP and Summer Social Chair: Tammy Foley (tfoley@shook.com)
A Word from our President...
Hello Everyone,
May was a great meeting. Whether you are thinking about starting a business or have been in business for years, SCORE is available to help you with Free and Confidential Business Mentoring. They can help with questions about licensing, permits, business plans, marketing plans, financial forecasting, staffing questions, long term planning, or any other area of starting and running a business. According to Jerry Holsapple, SCORE is about How to Start, How to Maintain, and How to End a business. Running a business isn’t always an easy task. It is nice to know that you can call SCORE when you need some guidance.
I don’t know about you, but I cannot believe it is June already and our 30th Anniversary Celebration is just around the corner. It is going to be an AMAZING evening. Looking forward to seeing all of you there!
Julie Rubsam
May New Members
We are excited to welcome the following women to our membership:
- Tracey Wilson, Tastefully Simple
- Holly Maliziola, Pooch at Play
May Guests
- Gabriela Sincich
- Peggy Reese, Farm Bureau
- Joanna Retherford, Red Poppy Studios
Your 2011-12 Board:
President – Julie Rubsam, President Elect – Tammy Foley, Treasurer - Shirley Pence; Communication – Nicole Gebhardt; Co-Secretaries – Chris Meyer; Membership Vice Presidents – Angela Tamer and Melony Ramsey; Hospitality Vice Presidents – Pam Rhode Thalls and Lucy Borga;Program Vice Presidents – Susan Benedict, Monica Doerr, and Jenna Isch.
Member Spotlight: Monica Doerr

Monica Doerr started the Law Office of Monica Doerr to focus on legal matters dealing with death, illness, and disability. Her practice areas include estate planning, long term care planning, Medicaid planning, Medicaid applications and appeals, Veterans benefits, special needs estate planning, probate, and guardianship. Before going to law school, Monica graduated from the Purdue University School of Pharmacy and was a pharmacist in the Lafayette area. Monica is on the board several non-profits in the area that serve the needs of the elderly and disabled including Mid-Land Meals and the Arc of Tippecanoe County. She has a husband, a dog and two cats. Most Wednesdays you will find her dog, a yellow Lab named Daisy, at her office waiting to greet her clients.
Open Position on the AWBO Board
Woohoo, we're grateful to Lucy Borga for joining the AWBO Board as our new Co-Chair of Hospitality. Welcome Lucy! We still have an opening on our board for a Co-Secretary. If would like to volunteer or would like to know more, please contact Julie Rubsam at Julie@LafayettePC.com.
AWBO hoping to sponsor Mobile Food Pantry Site
We're still looking for AWBO members and guests willing to help sponsor a mobile food pantry location for Food Finders Food Bank. It takes only $500 to sponsor a site - that's just 25 women donating $20 each. We're already halfway to our goal! If you'd like to contribute, contact Pam Rhodes Thallat pamrhode@marykay.com.
Give your car a sparkle and support our kids at Cary Home for Children on Saturday, June 16 from 9-1 at Cary Home or Children 1530 S. 18th St. Tickets are $5.00.
"No More Random Acts of Marketing" - 2 Day workshop retreat
You're invited to join a group of business owners who will create a crystal clear plan to attract ideal clients with greater focus and ease, implement Ideas with consistency, and build a profitable business that's enjoyable again. Nicole Gebhardt, in partnership with the Indiana Small Business Development Center is hosting the two day workshop on Monday & Tuesday, June 25 & 26 at the Lafayette Country Club. For details, visitwww.TheRemarkableWay.com
FREE Presentation by Lafayette PC
Lafayette PC will be giving a FREE Presentation on Small Office and Mobile Security on Wednesday, June 27 from 5:30 -7:00pm at Buy the Book Coffeehouse located at 1538 Main St. Please RSVP to support@LafayettePC.com or 765-807-6334.

June 2012 Greater Lafayette Commerce Activities
Register at www.greaterlafayettecommerce.com/calendar
- Annual Golf Outing, Monday June 4th, 11am at the Birck Boilermaker Golf Complex
- Small Business of the Month, Wednesday June 6th 5:30pm at the Lafayette Savings Bank Annex Building.
- Historic Lafayette Farmers Market; West Lafayette: every Wednesday 3pm to 6:30pm; Purdue University: every Thursday 11am to 3pm; Downtown: every Saturday 7:30am to 12:30pm
- Tippy Connect After Hours, Thursday June 7th at Wolf Park
- Business After Hours, Wednesday June 20th 5pm to 7pm at Guaranteed Transmission Service
Additional Information: The monthly events including Eggs N Issues, Small Business Matters and Industrial Luncheon will begin again during September. Feel free to send suggestions for topics to information@greaterlafayettecommerce.com
Membership and Renewal: Know a woman business owner (or two) that would benefit from AWBO? Is your own membership current? Membership info is available online at www.AWBO.org or you can contact Membership VPs Angela Tamer, angela@redfox-flowers.com or Melony Ramsey, melonyramsey@yahoo.com.
Newsletter Advertising is available to members and nonmembers alike. Banner ads are $50 and must be 600x200 pixels. Content ads are $25 and must be business card size (approx 300x175). Submit your artwork in the proper format to: Chris Meyer, andresjmeyer@juno.com at by the 20th of every month to appear in the next issue.
The AWBO Newsletter is published by Nicole Gebhardt.
All submissions are due via email by the 25th of the month to: Nicole@theRemarkableWay.com
Please be sure to include "AWBO" in the subject line.