AWBO May 2012 Newsletter
Join Us: Tuesday, May 8 from Noon to 1 p.m. at MCL Cafeteria in West Lafayette.
Arrive around 11:30 to enjoy lunch and networking time.
THIS MONTH'S PROGRAM: Get Your Business Questions Answered
SCORE offers Free Support for Small Businesses.
- Is your business ready to expand?
- Should you make changes to your prices?
- Do you need help with your business plan?
- What about reaching your business goals?
- What kind of funding is available for your business?
From planning, to employment, to making your dreams come true, SCORE provides free and confidential small business advice to all types of businesses, in all stages of development. SCORE is a NATIONAL nonprofit association dedicated to the formation, growth and success of small businesses nationwide. Join us as Jerry Holsapple explains how SCORE volunteers in Lafayette are ready and willing to help you and your business succeed.
3-Minute Spotlights:
- Patty Pavey - Today's The Day Coaching
- Tami Marshall - Buy The Book Coffeehouse
Have an idea for a future AWBO meeting?
Share it with Susan Benedict, susan@mydesignalternatives.com,
Monica Doerr, monica@doerrlawoffice.com or Jenna Isch, jisch@farmersagent.com
Share your business with a 3-minute spotlight.
Contact Monica Doerr at monica@doerrlawoffice.com to take the stage and tell your story.
Limit 2 per meeting. Spaces are filled on a first-come basis.
A Word from our President...
I want to begin by thanking Isabel Hogue, Tammy Foley, Jennifer Weida, Nicole Gebhardt, Jan Nielsen, and Kerri Wagner for volunteering to be our panel of speakers for our April program. If you haven’t had a chance to read the "No B.S. Price Strategy: The Ultimate No Holds Barred, Kick Butt, Take No Prisoners Guide to Profits, Power, and Prosperity", it is definitely worth a read. I had several Ah Hah moments during the presentation and I want to share two: 1. That Price is not the top reason a customer will chose to do business with you and 2. That I should not set my prices based on what I would pay because I am not my customer. For those of you who joined us for this presentation, you can share your Ah Hah moments on the AWBO website message board (www.awbo.org) or on the AWBO Facebook Page (www.facebook.com/AWBOLafayette).
Just a reminder that next month we will celebrate 30 YEARS OF AWBO! We hope to see all of our current and past members there, so start spreading the word! Stay tuned for more information about our celebration from Tammy Foley, our President Elect.
Julie Rubsam
April New Members
WooHoo! AWBO welcomes these ladies as new members:
- Deb Plue, Diet Free Life
- Tamara Cox, KidzArt
- Alejandra Malo, The Pink Team
- Joy Page, EnJoy Studio of Hair Design
- Amanda Snider, Metamorphic Fitness
April Guests
We're so glad these ladies visited with us last month:
- Sarah Lamar, Rubia Flower Market
- Holly Maliziola, Pooch at Play
- Erica Anthony, Indiana Innovation
- Joy Page, Enjoy Studio of Hair Design
- Elizabeth Beeson, Quite Clever Jewelry
- Dr. DeAnna McMillan, Ayalifescape
Your 2011-12 Board:
President – Julie Rubsam, President Elect – Tammy Foley, Treasurer - Shirley Pence; Communication – Nicole Gebhardt; Co-Secretaries – Chris Meyer; Membership Vice Presidents – Angela Tamer and Melony Ramsey; Hospitality Vice Presidents – Pam Rhode Thalls; Program Vice Presidents – Susan Benedict, Monica Doerr, and Jenna Isch.
Member Spotlight: Melony Ramsey
In 1988, Melony and Randy Ramsey "gave birth" to Ram-Z Exchange, moving to Farabee Drive in 2007 and becoming RamZs Emporium, "A place where you'll find things you didn't know you needed but now you desperately want." They do jewelry repairs and sell jewelry, antiques, collectibles, coins, firearms, music instruments and electronics. All three of their children work with them along with 10 other employees and next year will be 25 years in business. Melony loves to sing and has collections of thimbles, spoons, handkerchiefs, Longaberger baskets and pottery. Her four precious grandchildren are special in her life. After receiving the "Small Business of the Month" award in 2007, Melony became involved in community committees and boards and finds it rewarding to get to know more about Lafayette and meeting others. She has loved being on the AWBO board, currently co-chairman of membership.
Summer Social: Celebrating 30 Years Together
Since 1982, AWBO has been the place where women in business meet and this summer we're thrilled to be celebrating our 30th anniversary! Join us on Tuesday, June 12 for an evening celebration to kick up our heels and celebrate our history, our present, and our future. The dinner banquet and fashion show will be held in the Best Western Ballroom. Cocktails begin at 5:30, dinner at 6:15 pm. Reservations are required. Guests are welcome.
As we pull together the final details we're in need of the following:
- Door prize donations (a great opportunity to highlight your business!)
- Fashion Models of all sizes and ages to exhibit for CATO Fashions and Chico's
- Photos from AWBO events in history
- Photos of you and your business and any award recognition you'd like to share. Send in a picture of you, your building, working, receiving an award, whatever (be creative, this is a good opportunity to highlight what you do). We'd love at least one photo of every member so we can celebrate our members and their successes.
- Please email photos and recognition items to VP and Summer Social Chair: Tammy Foley (tfoley@shook.com)
Ladies, grab your seat today! Tickets are $30 and can be purchased now on our website (www.awbo.org) or at the May meeting.
Open Positions on the AWBO Board
Due to a conflict with their schedules, Shelia Larson and Kristie Newbold have stepped down from their positions on the AWBO Board. We thank them for their time on the AWBO Board and truly appreciate the work they did for our organization. We now have openings on our board for a Hospitality Vice President and a Membership Vice President. If would like to volunteer or would like to know more about these positions, please contact Julie Rubsamat Julie@LafayettePC.com.
KidzArt Saturday Workshop – Sculpt & paint!
Kids ages 6-12 are invited to the KidzArt Saturday Workshop on Saturday, May 5 at the West Lafayette Public Library from Noon to 3 pm. Registration is normally $50, but you can get in for only $25 this week or until full. Register online at www.kidzartin.com, email: tamara@kidzartin.com or call Tamara Cox at 317-625-2973.
Fi(gh)t for The Cure Event
Help knockout breast cancer and get fitted for a bra through the Wacoal/Macy's Fi(gh)t for the Cure event at Macy's on Thursday, May 17 from 10 to 5 pm. Receive a complimentary fitting in a Wacoal or b.tempt'd bra and for every fitting, Wacoal will donate $2 to the Komen for the Cure. Wacoal will donate an additional $2 for every purchase. You'll also get a great little tote with an $80 purchase. Reserve your appointment today at 447-2141, ext. 3858.
Much Appreciated Gift
...speaking of bras, one of our AWBO members (she wishes to remain anonymous) recently took the girls from Cary Home to Macy's to be fitted for bras last month. This generous member allowed each girl to pick two new bras. Of course, this was a BIG deal to the girls and they really enjoyed the entire excursion. Thanks to this thoughtful member and others who continue to support Cary Home for Girls - our designated AWBO charity.
The Giving Continues for Mobile Food Pantry Site
At the April Meeting, Pam Rhodes Thalls offered to take up a collection for AWBO members and guests willing to help sponsor a mobile food pantry location for Food Finders Food Bank. It takes only $500 to sponsor a site - that's just 25 women donating $20 each. We're already almost halfway to our goal! If you'd like to contribute, bring a check or cash to the May meeting and see Nicole Gebhardt. Food Finders would also love your empty drinking water bottles to recycle for laundry soap containers. You can drop off bottles at Food Finders anytime. They even have an after-hours drop box.
WBAA Public Radio Celebration
WBAA is celebrating 90 years in public radio this year and you're invited to join the celebration:
- May 17th - 90th Anniversary Gala Dinner – with special guest and Keynote Speaker, Diane Rehm.
- May 18th - Women’s leadership breakfast. The presenting sponsor is Susan Bulkeley Butler. Both Susan and Diane will be speaking at the breakfast.
More information and tickets are available at: www.conf.purdue.edu/wbaagala and www.conf.purdue.edu/wbaabreakfast
FREE Presentation by Lafayette PC
Lafayette PC will be giving a FREE presentation on Wednesday, May 23. The topic is still TBD. Join Julie & Jason Rubsam from 5:30 – 7:00 pm at Buy the Book Coffeehouse, 1538 Main St. RSVP at 765-807-6334 or support@LafayettePC.com

May 2012 Greater Lafayette Commerce Activities
Register at www.greaterlafayettecommerce.com/calendar
- Annual Job Fair, Tuesday May 1st 10am to 1pm for Veterans, 1pm to 3pm for all job seekers at Tippecanoe County Fair Grounds.
- Small Business of the Month, Wednesday May 2nd at 5:30pm at the Lafayette Savings Bank Annex Building.
- Historic Lafayette Farmers Market:
Opening date is May 2nd in West Lafayette and will be every Wednesday 3pm to 6:30pm
Opening date is May 3rd at Purdue University and will be every Thursday 11am to 3pm
Opening date is May 5th in Downtown and will be every Saturday 7:30am to 12:30pm
- Tippy Connect After Hours, Thursday May 3rd at The Henriott Group
- Eggs N Issues, Tuesday May 8th at 7:30am at Hilton Garden Inn: Jason Rubsam of Lafayette PC: Great, Your Business is Going Mobile! Boo, Is Your Business Still Protected?
- Small Business Matters, Thursday May 10th at 11:30am at Srg Preston’s Purdue Room: Kyle Burke of Eight38 Sign Co, “Branding Done Right.”
- Tippy Connect Kickball Classic, Saturday May 12th Noon at Lyboult Sports Park Lafayette Business After Hours, Wednesday May 16th 5pm to 7pm at Comfort Keepers
- Industrial Luncheon, Friday May 18th at 11:30am at Lafayette Country Club: David Kummer of Nanshan American: Update on Nanshan of America’s 1st US Location, Lafayette IN.
- Lemonade Day, Saturday May 19th all day, community wide.
- Annual Golf Outing, Monday June 4th at 11am at Birck Boilermaker Golf Course
Note: The GLC Office will be closing at Noon on Friday, May 27 and will reopen Tuesday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day weekend.
Membership and Renewal: Know a woman business owner (or two) that would benefit from AWBO? Is your own membership current? Membership info is available online at www.AWBO.org or you can contact Membership VPs Angela Tamer, angela@redfox-flowers.com or Melony Ramsey, melonyramsey@yahoo.com.
Newsletter Advertising is available to members and nonmembers alike. Banner ads are $50 and must be 600x200 pixels. Content ads are $25 and must be business card size (approx 300x175). Submit your artwork in the proper format to: Chris Meyer, andresjmeyer@juno.com at by the 20th of every month to appear in the next issue.
The AWBO Newsletter is published by Nicole Gebhardt.
All submissions are due via email by the 25th of the month to: Nicole@theRemarkableWay.com
Please be sure to include "AWBO" in the subject line.