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March Newsletter

March 01, 2012 1:59 PM | Deleted user

AWBO March 2012 Newsletter

Join Us: Tuesday, March 13 from Noon to 1 p.m. at MCL Cafeteria
in West Lafayette. Arrive around 11:30 to enjoy lunch and networking time.

THIS MONTH'S PROGRAM: Building & Protecting Good Credit, Dan Ridenour

Do you stew over decisions such as:
- Closing out Credit Cards accounts for your business?
Consolidating your bills?
Consider purchases made with 90 days same as cash?
Investigate re-financing old loans?
Pay Cash and not use Credit?
All these may sound like good "business savvy" ways to properly handle your money and finances. Think again. Are you aware of the effects that dropping your credit score even a few points can increase your insurance rates?

Dan Ridenour of CBF Institute, will be with us March 13th, educating us on business and even consumer credit. Dan has 28 years of credit experience and is the past president of NACM Great Lakes Region (National Association of Credit Management which has over 17,000 members).

Come take a respite from the daily grind and gain some valuable information you can put to good use! 

3-Minute Spotlights:
  • Joanne Webb - Shaklee
  • Danielle GaylordJanet Yaninek, and Rita Smeyak - Signature Organizing and Concierge Services  

Have an idea for a future AWBO meeting?
Share it with Susan Benedictsusan@mydesignalternatives.com,
Monica Doerr
monica@doerrlawoffice.com or Jenna Ischjisch@farmersagent.com

Share your business with a 3-minute spotlight.
Contact Monica Doerr at monica@doerrlawoffice.com to take the stage and tell your story.
Limit 2 per meeting. Spaces are filled on a first-come basis.


A Word from our President...

Hello Everyone,

We had another great Business-Focused presentation last month. A big Thank You to our Program Committee who has brought in some great speakers this year!

I hope you joined us to hear Nikki Lewellen speak about the importance of being focused and specific when networking. Let's be honest, when networking for our business, it is often hard to know where to start and how to spend our time wisely. Nikki presented some great ideas on how to be focused in networking so we can create a word of mouth marketing machine. Are putting her work sheets to good use?

We are heading into the final month of the first quarter of 2012. We've had several strong AWBO presentations aimed at helping you get this year off to a strong start. I look forward to hearing what the Program Committee has in store for us and I hope you are too.

Julie Rubsam


New Members

Please join us in welcoming the following ladies to AWBO. Even better, invite them to join you for lunch sometime or make an effort to support their businesses.

Jen Weida - Chiropractic Solutions
Danielle Gaylord - Signature Organizing and Concierge Services
Rita Smeyak - Signature Organizing and Concierge Services
Janet Yaninek - Signature Organizing and Concierge Services
Susan Landberg - Send Out Cards 

New Member Orientation:

The next AWBO new member orientation will be scheduled for Wednesday, March 14th from 5:30-6:30 pm at the Old National Bank Community Room on Veterans Memorial Parkway (in front of Walmart).  The address is 3553 Promenade Pkwy Lafayette, IN 47920


February Guests: 

We're so glad these ladies visited with us last month:

Lori Bauerle - 6th Man Solutions

Wendy Starr - Starr Associates

Kezia Galbraith - MCL

Tressa Heath - Heath CPA & Associates

Keely Lane - Believer Midwifery

Julie Pope - Eternity Ward Consulting, BONZ Barb BQ

Emily Maresh - March of Dimes


Your 2011-12 Board:

President – Julie Rubsam, President Elect – Tammy Foley, Treasurer - Shirley Pence; Communication – Nicole Gebhardt; Co-Secretaries – Chris Meyer and Kristie Newbold; Membership Vice Presidents – Angela Tamer and Melony Ramsey; Hospitality Vice Presidents – Pam Rhode Thallsand Shelia Larson; Program Vice Presidents – Susan BenedictMonica Doerr, and Jenna Isch.



A huge congratulations to our very own Angela Tamer, Co-VP of Membership for AWBO. Angela is being recognized as a "Woman of Innovation" at the YWCA Salute to Women Banquet on Tuesday, March 6 from 5:50-8:30 pm. Click here for more details about Angela and the banquet.



April AWBO Meeting: Book Review
Our next book review coming up in April will be “No. B.S. Price Strategy” by Dan Kennedy & Jason Marrs. This sounds like book on sales but it is so much more-something every business owner needs to embrace!  If you would like to be on our discussion panel please contact Jenna Isch at jisch@farmersagent.com.

AWBO Girls' Night Out
OK ladies, if we're going to go big, we've got to stick together!  Join us for Girls Night Out on Thursday, March 8th starting at 5:30 pm. We'll be gathering for food, fun and girl-talk at the Bluefin on their patio. Members and guests are welcome.


Marketing for Christian Business Owners

It's not too late to join a group of Christian Business Owners who will re-ignite their marketing to attract better clients, increase profits and build a business they love again. Thursday mornings, March 8, 15 and 22 with a session one make-up scheduled for early next week. Contact Nicole Gebhardt, 427-2130 for details and/or visit the website at www.TheRemarkableWay.com 



Support the Lafayette FOP Arman Lodge 49

Eat at BW3 and donate 15% to the FOP. Wednesday, March 7 from 10:00 am – 11:30 pm.



FREE Evernote II Presentation by Lafayette PC

Already using Evernote? Come learn all the tricks and widgets you can use to make Evernote really work for you.  Join Julie & Jason Rubsam of Lafayette PC on Wednesday, March 28, 5:30 – 7:00 pm at Buy the Book Coffeehouse, 1538 Main St.


Update your AWBO Website Profile
If you haven't visited the AWBO.org website, you're missing out on a great tool to network and connect with other women business owners...and to advertise you and your business. Most importantly, many of you haven't updated your contact information and business profile. Please take a minute to do that now at www.AWBO.org



Membership and Renewal:  Know a woman business owner (or two) that would benefit from AWBO? Is your own membership current? Membership info is available online at www.AWBO.org or you can contact Membership VPs Angela Tamerangela@redfox-flowers.com or Melony Ramsey, melonyramsey@yahoo.com.


Newsletter Advertising is available to members and nonmembers alike. Banner ads are $50 and must be 600x200 pixels. Content ads are $25 and must be business card size (approx 300x175). Submit your artwork in the proper format to: Kristie Newboldnewlar@live.com at by the 20th of every month to appear in the next issue.

The AWBO Newsletter is published by Nicole Gebhardt.
All submissions are due by the 25th of the month to: Nicole@theRemarkableWay.com
Please be sure to include "AWBO" in the subject line.

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