AWBO February 2012 Newsletter
Join Us: Tuesday, February 14 from Noon to 1 p.m. at MCL Cafeteria
in West Lafayette. Arrive around 11:30 to enjoy lunch and networking time.

Effective Networking by Nikki Lewellen Are you an effective networker? Can the person whom you have just given your elevator speech effectively repeat back to you what you do and who is a good referral for your business? Do you have a "follow-up" system in place to help them remember your company? Nikki Lewellen, Director of Development for Rainmakers International, and will help us understand the "do's" and "don'ts". Girl yourself a break and learn how to make 2012 the best networking year ever! Nikki will show us the "how-to's" of effective - yes we mean "effective" networking!
3-Minute Spotlights:
Tami Marshall - Buy the Book Coffeehouse
Susan Landberg - Send Out Cards
Have an idea for a future AWBO meeting?
Share it with Susan Benedict,,
Monica Doerr, or Jenna Isch,
Share your business with a 3-minute spotlight.
Contact Monica Doerr at to take the stage and tell your story.
Limit 2 per meeting. Spaces are filled on a first-come basis.
January Guests: We're glad these ladies joined us...
- Misty Evans - Chiropractic Solutions
- Sarah Koci - Inspiration Driven Communications
- Amanda Smith - Metamorphic Fitness
- Cathie Preston
- Deb Plue - Diet Free Life
- Emily Maresh - March Of Dimes
A Word from our President...
Hello! If you joined us for our January meeting, you heard a great presentation by Stephen Murphy about dreaming for your business. This month has just flown by but hopefully you have had some time to not only Dream for your business, but put some of those dreams down on paper with steps to achieving those dreams!
I want to share one of the things that Stephen said that really spoke to me. He stated, “ Make sure the dream you have is YOUR dream, not someone else’s dream.” Since I own a business with my husband, I often talk about and think about ‘Our Dream’. But, when he said that, it occurred to me that I needed to take ownership of MY DREAM. I finally understood that MY DREAM + HIS DREAM = OUR DREAM, and that for OUR DREAM to be achieved, I needed to fulfill my half of the equation. It is so easy for our dreams to be deterred or become muddled with input and desires of others, stay true to YOUR DREAM and I know amazing things will happen for you!
Dream Big and Be Amazing!
- Julie Rubsam
Welcome Melony!
The AWBO Board is excited to welcome Melony Ramsey (Owner at RamZs Emporium) as a Membership Vice President. We recently had an opening become available on our board and Melony graciously stepped forward to fill that position. Welcome Melony!
Your 2011-12 Board:
President – Julie Rubsam, President Elect – Tammy Foley, Treasurer - Shirley Pence; Communication – Nicole Gebhardt; Co-Secretaries – Chris Meyer and Kristie Newbold; Membership Vice Presidents – Angela Tamer and Melony Ramsey; Hospitality Vice Presidents – Pam Rhode Thallsand Shelia Larson; Program Vice Presidents – Susan Benedict, Monica Doerr, and Jenna Isch.

April Meeting: Book Review
Our next book review coming up in April will be “No. B.S. Price Strategy” by Dan Kennedy & Jason Marrs. This sounds like book on sales but it is so much more-something every business owner needs to embrace! If you would like to be on our discussion panel please contact Jenna Isch at
Member Spotlight - Angela Tamer
We've added a member spotlight to the monthly newsletter! This unique opportunity to advertise is available first come, first serve...for the month of your choice. Simply send a request to along with a small profile picture and a few sentences about you and your business. All articles must be brief and ready for print.
Angela Tamer is the owner and chief creator at Red Fox Flowers, a local florist specializing in wedding, event and corporate flowers. "We've been working with flowers for 13 years now. At Red Fox Flowers, WE CREATE EXQUISITE ATMOSPHERE." Angela is a Purdue Alumni with a Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering. She is also a former student athlete there in Women's Swimming and Diving. "Flower Arranging was the only fun class I took at Purdue, and I love it." Her goal is to double business earned in 2012. "I rely on word of mouth advertising and I am fortunate to have some great testimonials." Angela will be named the YWCA Salute to Women Woman of Innovation on 3/6/12. She is the current President of Tippy Connect, VP of Membership for AWBO and is a Read to Succeed Volunteer, as well as a volunteer for the GLC in several capacities. Find her online at and LIKE her on Facebook. |
Update your Info on the AWBO website
If you haven't visited the website, you're missing out on a great tool to network and connect with other women business owners...and to advertise you and your business. Most importantly, many of you haven't updated your contact information and business profile. Please take a minute to do that now at

Crafts for a Cause to Support the Heartford House
February 2nd 3:00 – 7:00pm at 60 Sunrise Dr. Lafayette, IN - Crafts for a Cause is an opportunity to purchase arts, crafts, and other handmade treasures from several local artists. This is the perfect opportunity to pick up gifts for Valentine's Day. A portion of proceeds from the evening will be donated to the Hartford House in Lafayette, IN. ( For more information, please call 608-469-0039 or email:
Network Luncheon with Guest Speaker Jos Holman
February 15th 11:30 -1:00pm at the YWCA - "To Lend or Not to Lend: Finding a Way to Perpetuate Public Libraries". As digital formats and customer convenience factor into library services, public libraries of the future will need to "change and roll with the times." Learn more about the role of public libraries in our communities. Cost is $12.00 For more information, please call 765-742-0075 or register online at Luncheon Sponsors: Sally Watlington, Mary Reece, Jan Nielsen-Allstate Insurance Company. Series Sponsor: Soller-Baker Funeral Homes

Lafayette PC Free Series "Quick Computer Tips for Business"
February 22nd 5:30 - 7:00pm at Buy the Book Coffeehouse - Join Julie Rubsam of Lafayette PC for a free presentation on topics such as security, backup solutions, cloud computing and more. Come find out how you can make some adjustments to your computers that will get your business off to a great start in 2012.
Greater Lafayette Commerce - February
- Small Business of the Month Reception - Wednesday February 1 - All Fired Up!
- Small Business Matters - Thursday February 9
- Eggs N Issues - Tuesday February 14 - Tim Berry, CFO for Indiana
- Business After Hours - Wednesday February 15
- Industrial Luncheon - Friday January 20
- Tippy Connect Executive Roundtable - Tuesday February 21 Speakers will include: Tony Albrecht, Lafayette Bank & Trust- President & CEO; Al Parker, Harrison College- President; Sharon Wood, Area IV Executive Director; Patricia (Trish) Hauber, Caterpillar -Human Resources Manager
Greater Lafayette Commerce is your resource for professional networking, economic expansion, business assistance, downtown revitalization, and community development. We are always interested in things our members find value in. GLC tries to provide a variety of topics for our monthly events (Eggs N Issues, Small Business Matters and Industrial Luncheon) but these events are only successful if the topics are interesting to our members. Please share any ideas for topics, speakers or presentations to or Resa Hodnettat
A hearty THANK YOU to Michael Dick of ISPhotographic for donating his services to photograph member profiles and donating the proceeds Thanks again Michael for your contribution that raised $250 for such a great cause.
Membership and Renewal: Know a woman business owner (or two) that would benefit from AWBO? Is your own membership current? Membership info is available online at or you can contact Membership VPs Angela Tamer, or Melony Ramsey,
Newsletter Advertising is available to members and nonmembers alike. Banner ads are $50 and must be 600x200 pixels. Content ads are $25 and must be business card size (approx 300x175). Submit your artwork in the proper format to: Kristie Newbold, at by the 20th of every month to appear in the next issue.
The AWBO Newsletter is published by Nicole Gebhardt.
All submissions are due by the 25th of the month to:
Please be sure to include "AWBO" in the subject line.