AWBO January 2012 Newsletter
Join Us: Tuesday, January 10 from Noon to 1 p.m. at MCL Cafeteria
in West Lafayette. Arrive around 11:30 to enjoy lunch and networking time.
Dream for your Business! by Stephen Murphy Does the day in day out chore of running the business eat up all your mental energy? Are you too busy to DREAM? Have you shelved the dreams and visions you had for your business when you first opened your doors? Stephen Muphy Executive Director at Business Advisory Management Group LLC, will be talking to us about "DREAMING for our Businesses". But Stephen says the more important thing is what we do with those dreams that counts! In keeping with our January "health" theme-start your year off right with great "Mental Health"!
About Stephen Murphy: Stephen is one of the founding members of the John Maxwell certified Coach, Trainer, and Speaker Team. He has exemplified himself as change agent and business igniter for over twenty years. He has been consistently known as a strong leader known for success achieved through performance and motivations through positive reinforcement throughout his extinguished career. He is recognized for his persistent focus on driving bottom-line results and improving performance while integrating organizational missions. Visit his website at www.TheAmazingGold.com
3 Minute Spotlights:
Kayla Feuer - Usborne Books & More
Jenna Isch - Isch Insurance Services
Have an idea for a future AWBO meeting?
Share it with Susan Benedict, susan@mydesignalternatives.com,
Monica Doerr, monica@doerrlawoffice.com or Jenna Isch, jisch@farmersagent.com
Share your business with a 3-minute spotlight.
Contact Monica Doerr at monica@doerrlawoffice.com to take the stage and tell your story.
Limit 2 per meeting. Spaces are filled on a first-come basis.
A Word from our President...
This year's Holiday Auction was so much fun and very successful. I want to say, "Thank You" to Tammy Foley for putting together such a great event. I also want to thank all of you who joined us in raising money for such a great cause, The Cary Home for Girls.
As business owners, this is the time of year we reflect on the last year and ask ourselves, "Did I reach my goals?, What worked in my business and what didn't?" We are setting our goals, budgets, and plans for our business for the upcoming year. I am excited to say there are some great programs lined up to get our year off to a great start.
Wishing you all a great 2012!
- Julie Rubsam
About the Holiday Auction...
The Holiday Auction and Raffle was held at the MCL Cafeteria on December 13th, 2011. Once again, the business owners of our community and our very own AWBO ladies contributed with wonderful generosity and support! The gifts for the auction were amazing - from Jewelry, Birthday Party Certificates, Flower Arrangements and Dinner Gift Certificates, just to name a few. Attendance this year brought many guests that were welcomed to share our festivities. It is my pleasure pleasure to share the news that approximately $2,500 was raised for Cary Home for Girls! I wish to thank Julie Rubsam, Susan Benedict, Chris Myers and Melany Ramsey for your dedication in helping me with the event and being my "Go To People! HATS OFF to all of the AWBO ladies for supporting our event - donating, bringing guests and spending your money! The love I have for AWBO have been validated with great women who give from the heart wanting nothing in return. Hope your holiday was safe and full of fun and laughter!
- Tammy Foley, Auction Chair and President Elect
Your 2011-12 Board:
President – Julie Rubsam, President Elect – Tammy Foley, Treasurer - Shirley Pence; Communication – Nicole Gebhardt; Co-Secretaries – Chris Meyer and Kristie Newbold; Membership Vice Presidents – Angela Tamer and Melissa Barrett; Hospitality Vice Presidents – Pam Rhode Thalls and Shelia Larson; Program Vice Presidents – Susan Benedict, Monica Doerr, and Jenna Isch.
Member Spotlight - Julie Rubsam
We've added a member spotlight to the monthly newsletter! This unique opportunity to advertise is available first come, first serve...for the month of your choice. Simply send a request to nicole@theremarkableway.com along with a small profile picture and 3-5 sentences about you and your business. All articles must be ready for print.
Julie Rubsam (AWBO President) moved to Lafayette in 1994 to study Horticulture and Forestry at Purdue University. As a Purdue Ag Grad, she is still very active in her area of study as the Business Manager for the Indiana Arborist Association. She is the Business Manager and co-founder of Lafayette PC - a computer consulting and support company focused on providing small business and home users great computer support at an affordable price. "We really see our company as your 'family doctor' of computers. We want to be your first phone call for any problems you are having with your computer or computer related technology. If it isn't something we can help you with, we can usually put you in touch with the people who can," says Julie. Lafayette PC sends out a monthly newsletter which includes great tips on topics such as computer backup systems, computer efficiency tips, computer security, free monthly seminars and more. To be added to their mailing list, email Julie Rubsam at Julie@LafayettePC.com and follow their Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/LafayettePC. |
Update your Info on the AWBO website
If you haven't visited the AWBO.org website, you're missing out on a great tool to network and connect with other women business owners...and to advertise you and your business. Most importantly, many of you haven't updated your contact information and business profile. Please take a minute to do that now at www.AWBO.org
Greater Lafayette Facebook Conference
Lafayettech is hosting a Facebook Conference on January 26 at 4 pm. The conference is focused on allowing local online specialists and local business representatives to share their thoughts on Facebook opportunities, its benefits for the local businesses and trends of development for 2012, as well as present their success stories related to online activity generating any kind of ROI. For more information and tickets, visit Lafayettech at glfc12.eventbrite.com
Build a Business You LOVE Again
Dreaming of more control in your business? Join local business owners in a small group mastermind series and understand how just a little bit of marketing planning can attract better clients, increase your profits, and build a business you LOVE again. Six 2-hour workshops are held on Monday or Wednesday afternoons from 12-2 pm. For details, and special discount offers, visit www.TheRemarkableWay.com/marketing-mastermind or call Nicole Gebhardt at 765-427-2130. Act now, we start January 9!
Greater Lafayette Commerce January Activities
- Small Business Matters: Wednesday, January 9, 2012 from 11:30 to 1pm
- Eggs N Issues: Tuesday January 5, 2012 from 7:30 to 9am
- Tippy Connect Annual Gala: Friday January 10, 2012 from 6 to 11pm
- Small Business of the Year/January Business After Hours: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 from 5-7
- Industrial Luncheon: Google Ads, Friday January 20, 2012 from 11:30 to 1pm
- State of the Real Estate: Tuesday January 31, 2012 from 5 to 7pm
Register at www.greaterlafayettecommerce.com/calendar
- Edwards Jones Financial Advisor Sarah Schwarz attended the Annual Barron's Winner's Circle Top Women Advisor's Summit. The exclusive conference, hosted by Barron's magazine, is designed to recognize and enhance the professional development of those who work with individual investors.
- Nicole Gebhardt, marketing coach/consultant, was awarded second place in the "Marketer of the Year" competition held by the Indianapolis Chapter of Glazer-Kennedy Insider's Circle. GKIC is a global marketing organization with chapters in several U.S. cities. Eight finalists were chosen to compete in the Indianapolis event.
Membership and Renewal: Know a woman business owner (or two) that would benefit from AWBO? Is your own membership current? Membership info is available online at www.AWBO.org or you can contact Membership VPs Angela Tamer, angela@redfox-flowers.com or Melissa Barrett, pmbarrett@pmbarrett.com.
Newsletter Advertising is available to members and nonmembers alike. Banner ads are $50 and must be 600x200 pixels. Content ads are $25 and must be business card size (approx 300x175). Submit your artwork in the proper format to: Kristie Newbold, newlar@live.com at by the 20th of every month to appear in the next issue.
The AWBO Newsletter is published by Nicole Gebhardt. All submissions are due by the 25th of the month to: admin@NicoleGebhardt.com