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November Newsletter

November 01, 2011 9:29 PM | Deleted user
AWBO November 2011 Newsletter

Join Us: Tuesday, November 8 from Noon to 1 p.m. at MCL Cafeteria
in West Lafayette. Arrive around 11:30 to enjoy lunch and networking time.


Get MORE out of your AWBO membership!

This month AWBO is celebrating big news - the release of our much-anticipated new membership system and updated website. On top of the PERKS list is the ability for each member edit their own contact information ANYTIME - no more lag time! Join us for our November meeting and learn more about the newest benefits of being an AWBO member. Immediate Past President Kerri Wagner and Membership VP's Melissa Barrett and Angela Tamer will walk us through the new website and give us hand's on training to that we can start using it immediately.

BONUS: Need a new photo of you? Michael Dick from IS Photographic will be joining us to take headshots for any interested members. Read Julie's letter below for details...

Three Minute Spotlights:

  • Anni Miller – TLC Massage
  • Kristie Newbold & Sheila Larson - Newlar Cleaning
October Guests:

Laurie Webster, Kelly Rice, Danielle Gaylord
Janet Yaninek. Glad to have you join us!

Have an idea for a future AWBO meeting?
Share it with Susan Benedict, susan@mydesignalternatives.com,
Monica Doerr
, monica@doerrlawoffice.com or Jenna Isch, jisch@farmersagent.com

Share your business with a 3-minute spotlight.
Contact Monica Doerr at monica@doerrlawoffice.com to take the stage and tell your story.
Limit 3 per meeting. Spaces are filled on a first-come basis.


A Word from our President...

Hello! November is going to be an amazing month! Our program this month will unveil our NEW Association of Women Business Owner’s website.

In addition to our NEW Website, Michael Dick from IS Photographic (www.ISphotographic.com) will be joining us to take head shots. The cost is just $25 and at Michael’s suggestion we are collecting the money to support a Women Business Owner through Kiva.org!  Kiva is a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Leveraging the internet and a worldwide network of microfinance institutions, Kiva lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create opportunity around the world.  We will be voting as a group to decide the recipient of the loan. Feel free to look online at Kiva.org to see if there is a women you would like to nominate for the loan.  Send your nominations to me at julie@LafayettePC.com.

Michael is going to try to accommodate everyone who would like a head shot taken. He will be available from 11:00 -12:00pm and 1:00-2:00pm.  This means he has enough openings for around 12 people.  If you would like to reserve your spot, please send me and email with your preference for 11-12pm or 2-1pm. Space is limited, RSVP today at julie@LafayettePC.com.

I look forward to seeing everyone on November 8!

- Julie Rubsam


Your 2011-12 Board:

President – Julie Rubsam, President Elect – Tammy Foley, Treasurer - Shirley Pence; Communication – Nicole Gebhardt; Co-Secretaries – Chris Meyer and Kristie Newbold; Membership Vice Presidents – Angela Tamer and Melissa Barrett; Hospitality Vice Presidents – Pam Rhode Thalls and Shelia Larson; Program Vice Presidents – Susan Benedict, Monica Doerr, and Jenna Isch.



AWBO Auction

Once again, the women of AWBO are thrilled to be hosting the annual AWBO Auction to raise funds for Cary Home for Girls at our December Holiday meeting (Tuesday, December 13). Enjoy a festive luncheon filled with Holiday Shopping Fun...and by all means, bring a few guests! At this time, we're looking for businesses and individuals to donate gifts, services and/or baskets of goodies to auction and/or raffle off. 

To donate an item, contact Tammy Foley at 765-479-1216 or tfoley@shook.com. You can deliver your donations to Tammy at the Shook office or bring them to the November Meeting. Lets fill the room and enjoy the fellowship of the holidays...while helping our community and the girls in need!!!

Art Winter Workshop

KidzArt is offering a Winter Wonderland Workshop for ages 6-12. Create a project with the “sparkle” of winter and make a gift for the gift giving season! All supplies provided – no art experience necessary – if you can dream, you can draw! Morton Community Center, December 10 from 9 – 11:30 am. Register by calling the Morton Community Center at 765-775-5120.

KidzArt has "Lafayette’s New Artist of the Year"

Looking for a great art instructor? KidzArt / Art Innovators has the best instructors! One of our KidzArt instructors, Tammy Murakami-Baxter, displayed her artwork during the month of October at the West Lafayette Public Library. An article in the Journal & Courier is quoted as saying, “Murakami-Baxter could already be considered Lafayette’s new artist of the year." For class details visit: www.kidzartin.com  


Adult Guardianship Seminar

Monica Doerr, from the Law Office of Monica Doerr and Richard Richardson from Family Services, Inc. will be presenting a seminar on guardianship on Nov. 5, 2011 from 9am-noon at Family Services, Inc., 615 N. 18th St., Suite 201. Some of the topics covered will be: Duties and Responsibilities of the Guardian of the Estate and Person; General, Limited, and Temporary Guardianships; Guardianships for the Developmentally Delayed; Procedures for Qualifying and Filing for Guardianship; and Court Contact Info and Court Rules in Tippecanoe and surrounding counties. The fee is $99 which includes a Guardianship Handbook (value $45). To register call 765-423-5361.


More Charity Auction Opportunities

Charity auctions are a fun place to network, and to donate your business products or services for greater exposure and a good cause! Here are two more you should consider:

  • YWCA Bingo & Silent Auction - Thursday, November 3rd. $40 at the door. Details here.
  • Tri Kappa Philanthropic Sorority Auction - Sunday, Nov. 13. Tickets $20. Visit: www.TriKappaLafayette.org


Scrapbooking Fun

AWBO Member Chris Meyer is hosting a Creative Memories Open House and Free Crop at Covenant Church in W. Lafayette (Retreat Center behind the church) on Friday, Nov. 4 from  6-10 and Saturday, Nov. 5, 9-1. There will be new products, specials, and good snacks.
Christmas shopping for the perfect gift? Let Chris Meyer help you design a personalized gift for someone on your gift list. Why not make treasured memories your gift to those on your Christmas list? Chris is also designing Christmas cards. All products are through Creative Memories, but the Christmas gifts and cards will be one of a kind. No one else will have the exact same item. You can come to her open house or call/e-mail her to set a time and place to work together on something special. Chris Meyer, andresjmeyer@juno.com or  447-3806.


Cary Home Wish List

The girls at Cary Home are always needing help with supplies and clothing for teen girls in need. Check your closets or throw an extra item in your cart and join AWBO in supporting Cary Home for Girls. You may bring items to our monthly meeting and we will get them to the home. Questions? Contact Julie Rubsam.


Greater Lafayette Commerce November Activities

  • Small Business Of the Month - Lafayette Savings Bank Annex – Wednesday, November, 2 at 5pm
  • Project 3/50 – Outpost Banquet Facility – Wednesday, November 2 at 6pm
  • Eggs ‘N Issues - Hilton Garden Inn – Tuesday, November 8 at 7:30am
  • Small Business Matters – Location TBD – Thursday, November 10 at 11:30am
  • Merchant Holiday Open House - Downtown Lafayette-West Lafayette – November 11 and 12
  • Farmers Mini Market – Historic Downtown Lafayette – November 11
  • Economic Forecast Luncheon – Holiday Inn City Center - Wednesday November 16 at 11:30am
  • Business After Hours – Midwest Party Rentals West Lafayette – Wednesday November 16 at 5pm
  • Boiler Bridge Walk – Friday before all home PU Football games – John T Myers Pedestrian Bridge – 5:30pm
Register at www.greaterlafayettecommerce.com/calendar



  • Congrats to Julie Rubsam, Lafayette PC for being awarded "Lafayette Small Business of the Month" by Greater Lafayette Commerce! The celebration will be held at the Lafayette Savings Bank Annex on Wednesday, November, 2 at 5 pm.
  • A great review! Congratulations to Doctor Mary Caccavo (Lafayette Hearing Center) for being recognized by The Hearing Review as one of the best hearing care professionals of 2011!



Membership and Renewal:  Know a woman business owner (or two) that would benefit from AWBO? Is your own membership current? Membership info is available online at www.AWBO.org or you can contact Membership VPs Angela Tamer, angela@redfox-flowers.com or Melissa Barrett, pmbarrett@pmbarrett.com.


Newsletter Advertising is available to members and nonmembers alike. Banner ads are $50 and must be 600x200 pixels. Content ads are $25 and must be business card size (approx 300x175). Submit your artwork in the proper format to: Kristie Newbold, newlar@live.com at by the 20th of every month to appear in the next issue.

The AWBO Newsletter is published by Nicole Gebhardt.
All submissions are due by the 25th of the month to: admin@NicoleGebhardt.com

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