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January Newsletter

January 08, 2014 1:39 PM | Deleted user
Next meeting topic for Tuesday, January 14th at Noon:
Generational Differences
Do you find it hard to work with younger employees? Do you get tired of the old guys telling what you “should” be doing? How do you handle the generations in the work place? To find out the answers to these questions and more, come hear our January guest speaker, Robby Slaughter, as he enlightens us on this topic.  Lunch on your own starts at 11:30am with the meeting starting at 12pm to give our guest plenty of time to share his insights and answer our questions.

Robby Slaughter is a workflow and
productivity expert. He is a nationally known speaker on topics related to personal productivity, corporate efficiency and employee engagement. Robby is the founder of AccelaWork, a company which provides speakers and consultants to a wide variety of organizations, including Fortune 500 companies, regional non-profits, small businesses and individual entrepreneurs.

Robby has written numerous articles for national magazines and has over one hundred published articles. Robby is also the author of several books, including Failure: The Secret to Success. He has also been interviewed by international news outlets including the Wall Street Journal. Robby’s newest book is The How-To Guide for Generations at Work.

From the President...
My Fellow Board Members,
It is with a heavy, heavy heart and many tears that I need to resign as President.  The events of November 17th's tornado taking my home and office have pushed we well past overload.
I had such a pile of dreams this year that I need to shelve, at least for now.  Can't thank you enough for being there for me personally and professionally even before the storm, let alone how you stepped up to the plate immediately after the storm!  Words will never be able to describe my gratitude.
AWBO needs a leader who is there mentally and physically and I just can't be that right now. Thank you for understanding. 
Thanks to each and everyone of you for stepping up to the plate in the name of AWBO.

Susan Benedict
Empowering Women in Business


News & Events
Special Thanks...

Thank you to all who were a part of the 2013 AWBO Holiday Auction and Drawing.  Through your hard work, donations, ticket purchases and bidding, we were able to raise more than $2600 for the Cary Home.  This donation will go a long way to help purchase supplies, clothing and other needs for the kids that the Cary Home helps.  Thank you for making this event such a great success. 

Jenna Isch 

Is Your Photo Posted on the Website? 
Many times guests would like to connect with someone they met at our AWBO monthly meeting. But by the time they get back to the office the name may be "gone".  Is your photo posted on the website? Please use this tool to your advantage. We recently found at least two members who had downloaded their photo, but a setting was not allowing it to post.

Please contact Becky Risch if you are having problems getting your photo to post correctly.  Or, if you don't have a current photo, please let us know as well-might be time to have Michael Dick (photographer) return.
Look! Your Message Goes Here
AWBO Members are always welcome to post news about their business' special events, workshops, Open Houses, new certifications, or achievements in this newsletter. Submissions are due in finished form (a/k/a written concisely) tokimberlyringler@gmail.com by the 25th of every month. You must include the words "AWBO" in the subject line.

Want to advertise a general product special or news item of your choice? AWBO members are welcome to distribute tabletop fliers at our monthly meetings and/or register for an upcoming 3-minute spotlight. 

Please note: We reserve the right to edit or limit any form of marketing in keeping with the integrity of our membership and our meetings. AWBO does not share, or allow the use of its email distribution list for non-AWBO sponsored events. 



Hope to see you at the next meeting. Put it on your calendar today...and invite a deserving friend to join you.
Join Us:
AWBO meets at Noon on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at the MCL Restaurant & Bakery in West Lafayette. (Excluding June)
Visitors are always welcome. No registration is necessary and visitors may attend twice at no charge before becoming a member.

Arrive around 11:30 to enjoy lunch and networking time.

   2013-14 AWBO Board

            Open Seat

President Elect                                Open Seat

 Shirley Pence

Vice-President Communications                            Open Seat

            Ashley Bigelow

           Amanda Snider
         Linda Berryman

Melony Ramsey
        Pam Rhode-Thalls
               Joanne Webb

Special Events                                 Jenna Isch

          Tamara Cox
          Danielle Gaylord
                   Jan French

Contact Us:  
Share Program Ideas:

3-Minute Spotlights Make a reservation to showcase your business by contacting Tamara CoxLimit 2 per meeting.

Membership and Renewal:

Just a reminder that it is RENEWAL TIME!  Membership renewals are due October 1st.  You can renew online at www.AWBO.org 
or contact Amanda Snider, or Linda Berryman.


The AWBO Newsletter is published monthly. All submissions are in paragraph form via email by the 25th of the month to:kimberlyringler@gmail.com 
You must include "AWBO" in the subject line.

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