3rd Annual - 2021 Know & Grow Series - Part 2
Join us with Melahni Ake, founder of Everyday Leaders Coaching & Consulting, as she helps us to solve the...

Discovering your WHY, is the FRIST STEP to your PURPOSE PUZZLE. If you are familiar with DISC, KOLBE, Strengthsfinder, Myers Briggs and many other assessments, these are all predictors of our behavior and HOW we communicate with the world. KNOWING our WHY allows us to GET CLEAR, STAND OUT and HAVE MORE IMPACT in the world. Mark Twain said the two most important days in your life are 1. The Day You Were Born, and 2. The Day You Discover Your WHY, so YOU WERE BORN with your WHY, it is not a behavior formed by influences of your environment. In this mini workshop you will learn about the part of the brain that is responsible for the development of our WHY and HOW this shows up in our everyday lives! Gary Sanchez, Founder of the WHY Institute, interviewed over 50,000 people over 10 years while trying to discover his own personal WHY. Being inspired and working alongside of SIMON SINEK, he developed a predictable and algorithmic formula to help other people discover their WHY. We will learn about their discovery of 9 WHY’s, the importance of knowing your WHY, and how to use and live your WHY to make a bigger impact in the world.
About Melahni
Melahni Ake, is the founder of Everyday Leaders Professional Coaching and Consulting, a Certified John Maxwell Team leadership coach, speaker and trainer, and a Certified WHY Institute Agent. She is A Passionate Leadership Podcast Host of Everyday Leaders 50in50, best selling author, motivational speaker and life strategy coach. What she knows is that When you know your WHY, and START with WHY, What You Do has more Impact.
(Current limit is 50 attendees due to Covid-19 restrictions)
If you are only attending the meeting and do not wish to have lunch, select the Meeting Only option when you register and pay online. The cost to attend the meeting only is $5.
If you would like to purchase lunch, select the Meeting + Lunch (Either Gluten Free or Vegetarian entree) option when you register and pay online. The cost of the meeting & lunch is $16.
Payment is required at the time of registration and is non-refundable nor able to be moved to a future event***.
Registration for both the meeting and lunch closes at noon on
Friday, March 5, 2021 or when we reach 50 registrations, whichever comes first.
11:15am - Registration & Lunch begins
11:45am - Meeting begins
1:00pm - Meeting adjourns
***We are closely monitoring the County Covid-19 restrictions to maintain a safe meeting for our members and guests. Should Tippecanoe County be at a RED level the Tuesday prior to the meeting, we will move to a ZOOM meeting, and all paid registrants funds will be moved to the next available in-person meeting.