Join us as we learn how to achieve intentional growth as business owners. Shelly Bays, EDGE Development Group, will show us how to identify personality and behavioral styles to more effectively build and strengthen relationships and become better communicators.
An optional lunch buffet is available for $16. The buffet will include 1 entree, vegetable, starch, dessert, and beverage.
ADVANCE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED IF YOU ARE PURCHASING LUNCH! Select the Meeting + Lunch option when you register and you will be able to pay for your lunch online as you register. We are NOT able to accept payment on the date of the event.
Registration for lunch closes at noon on Friday, March 8, 2019. In the event that you purchase lunch and are unable to attend, we are not able to offer refunds.
11:30am - Lunch Buffet opens
11:45am - Meeting begins
1:00pm - Meeting adjourns